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Tiffannosaurus rex (or regina) 🐾


Hi there 🐾

My name is Tiffannosaurus rex - actually regina - but you can call me Tiffany for short.

My female human family intruduces me as 'Petite' Tiffany though.


Would  it suprise you to say that I am descended from Tyrannosaurus rex?

Technically I am femal, so I am not 'rex' but 'regina'.

I believe my ancestor is Tyrannosaurus Rex lived  in the Late Cretaceous period.

They were said to be the strongest large carnibouros dinosaurs and weighed estimated 9 tons, much heavier than the current elephants.

Of courese, they were much different from what I am now.

They were carnivore, but I prefer dry fish food, especiall tuna flavor.

They weighed about 9 tons, but mine is  only 5.3 kg.

So that it may be difficult to imagine dinnasaurs when you look at me below.


It is not surprise that I am descended from dinasaurus, you humans also carry Neanderthal genes.

Have you read the report published about some years ago  said that 'a genetic variant inherited from Neanderthals reduces the risk of severe COVID-19'.

This means that you humans have inherited Neanderthal genes and have been benefitting from them

That means it not wonder I am descended from T-rex.


As time has passed, many things have changed.

You know huge ferns disapeared, and now they are houseplants.

Likewise a lot of various species appeared and died, and sometimes changed.

Some scientists believe that birds are descendants of dinosaurs.

Do you believe that? Birds? 

Some dinosaur fossils actually had feathers like birds.

This discovery led scientists to speculate that T-rex might have had feathers,.

Now it is believed T-rex did not.

I have long hair! ...Oops again!

But I still  believe that I have the dinosaur genes running through me!


Did you enjoy the story that I might be descended from T-rex?


Next time, I will talk about a famous Tyrannosaurus Rex named Sue.


Bye every'meow' 🐾